
What's a True Giclée?

A true Giclee will have a life span of 150 years or more when properly cared for by the owner. To determine if the Giclee is authentic, the type of ink and paper it was printed on should be indicated. It should also indicate the kind of printer that was used.

Types of Paper

Moab Entrada Rag Bright

This naturally acid free and lignin free paper offers an expanded color gamut, maximum contrast and high ink load.

  • GSM 300
  • 100% cotton
  • Bright white
  • Acid free

Moab Entrada Rag Textured

The wide tonal range and high dMax remains unparalleled for a cotton matte paper. The defined, yet restrained, texture enhances the printed image without being distracting.

  • GSM 300
  • 100% cotton
  • Natural white
  • No OBAs

Moab Lasal Photo Matte

The paper's brilliant white guarantees that your photos will be true to life color, making the paper ideal for portfolios and limited edition books where the prints encounter frequent handling.

  • GSM 230/235
  • Alpha cellulose
  • Brilliant white
  • Acid free

Moab SlickRock Metallic Pearl

Slickrock Metallic Pearl 260 transforms an image into life-like, almost 3D quality. Black & White images shine on this paper producing deep dark blacks and ultra-bright highlights. The paperʼs high gloss and unique sheen make this ideal for everyday prints with a twist.

  • GSM 260
  • Alpha cellulose
  • Pearlescent
  • Acid free

Hahnemühle Fine Art Baryta Satin

Fine Art Baryta Satin is a barite paper with a white and satin-gloss surface. This paper enables extremely deep blacks (Dmax), excellent image sharpness and is perfect for black-and-white photography. High color density and brilliance ensure an outstanding sharpness of details to achieve high-resolution and vivid images for photography and reproductions.

  • GSM 300
  • 100% cotton
  • Natural white
  • No OBAs

Moab Lasal Exhibition Luster

Lasal Exhibition Luster is a true heavyweight, archival exhibition-quality luster paper which is coated with the latest fourth-generation technology. This produces an extra-wide color gamut never before seen in a luster paper, with pure crispy whites and deep luscious colors.

  • GSM 300
  • Alpha cellulose
  • Brilliant white
  • Acid free

Epson Exhibition Canvas Matte

An acid free, lignin free heavyweight cotton-poly blend, this elegantly textured canvas features a matte non-reflective surface with a bright white point, exceptionally high Dmax and wide color gamut. The canvas base is enhanced with elastic polymers providing high tensile strength and flexibility for gallery wrap stretching without cracking.

  • GSM 300
  • 100% cotton
  • Bright white
  • Acid free

See more papers in Table 2 »

Size Square inches Moab Entrada Rag Bright (300gsm) Moab Lasal Exhibition Luster (300gsm) Moab Lasal Photo Matte (230/235gsm)
4x6: 24 $27.41 $26.72 $26.48
5x7: 35 $28.28 $27.29 $26.93
6x9: 54 $29.79 $28.25 $27.71
8x10: 80 $31.85 $29.58 $28.78
8x12: 96 $32.75 $30.22 $29.20
11x14: 154 $37.12 $33.07 $31.44
12x18: 216 $41.80 $36.11 $33.84
16x20: 320 $49.82 $40.30 $36.87
16x24: 384 $54.68 $43.26 $39.14
18x24: 432 $57.30 $45.04 $40.70
20x24: 480 $60.83 $47.21 $42.39
20x30: 600 $69.67 $52.63 $46.61
24x30: 720 $78.50 $58.06 $50.84
24x36: 864 $89.10 $64.57 $55.90
28x35: 980 $97.47 $69.82 $59.32
26x40: 1,040 $101.88 $72.53 $61.39
28x42: 1,176 $111.87 $78.68 $66.08
32x40: 1,280 $119.50 $83.38 $69.67
30x45: 1,350 $124.64 $86.55 $72.09
32x48: 1,536 $138.30 $94.96 $78.51
36x45: 1,620 $144.47 $98.76 $81.41
36x54: 1,944 $168.27 $113.41 $92.59
40x50: 2,000 $169.32 $113.90 $94.86
40x60: 2,400 $198.08 $131.58 $108.73
44 x 66: 2,904 $234.33 $153.86 $126.21
44 x 72: 3,168 $253.31 $165.53 $135.37
44 x 84: 3,696 $291.28 $188.86 $153.68
44 x 96: 4,224 $329.25 $212.20 $171.99

Size Square inches Moab SlickRock Metallic Pearl (260gsm) Epson Exhibition Canvas Matte (395gsm) Moab Entrada Rag Textured (300gsm)
4 x 6: 24 $26.97 $27.18 $22.44
5 x 7: 35 $27.65 $27.95 $23.19
6 x 9: 54 $28.81 $29.28 $24.49
8 x 10: 80 $30.41 $31.10 $26.27
8 x 12: 96 $31.42 $32.21 $27.10
11 x 14: 154 $35.00 $36.26 $30.90
12 x 18: 216 $38.83 $40.59 $34.97
16 x 20: 320 $43.07 $47.86 $41.48
16 x 24: 384 $46.59 $52.33 $45.62
18 x 24: 432 $48.93 $55.68 $47.96
20 x 24: 480 $51.53 $59.04 $50.98
20 x 30: 600 $58.04 $67.42 $58.53
24 x 30: 720 $64.55 $75.81 $66.07
24 x 36: 864 $72.35 $85.87 $75.13
28 x 35: 980 $81.14 $94.14 $81.01
26 x 40: 1,040 $84.55 $98.34 $84.70
28 x 42: 1,176 $92.27 $107.87 $93.05
32 x 40: 1,280 $98.18 $115.15 $99.44
30 x 45: 1,350 $102.15 $120.05 $103.74
32 x 48: 1,536 $112.71 $133.08 $115.17
36 x 45: 1,620 $117.48 $138.97 $120.33
36 x 54: 1,944 $135.88 $161.66 $140.24
40 x 50: 2,000 $139.06 $164.90 $143.68
40 x 60: 2,400 $161.77 $192.78 $168.26
44 x 66: 2,904 $190.39 $227.91 $199.22
44 x 72: 3,168 $205.38 $246.31 $215.44
44 x 84: 3,696 $235.36 $283.11 $247.88
44 x 96: 4,224 $265.34 $319.91 $280.32

Size Square inches Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta Satin (300gsm) Hahnemühle Photo Rag (308gsm) Canson Print Making Rag (310gsm)
4 x 6: 24 $27.15 $27.54 $27.35
5 x 7: 35 $27.91 $28.48 $28.20
6 x 9: 54 $29.22 $30.09 $29.66
8 x 10: 80 $31.01 $32.30 $31.66
8 x 12: 96 $32.17 $33.50 $32.80
11 x 14: 154 $36.21 $38.33 $37.20
12 x 18: 216 $40.52 $43.49 $41.91
16 x 20: 320 $45.57 $51.39 $48.35
16 x 24: 384 $49.59 $56.57 $52.92
18 x 24: 432 $51.20 $60.31 $56.34
20 x 24: 480 $54.06 $64.18 $59.77
20 x 30: 600 $61.20 $73.85 $68.34
24 x 30: 720 $68.34 $83.52 $76.91
24 x 36: 864 $76.91 $95.12 $87.19
28 x 35: 980 $83.98 $104.14 $95.47
26 x 40: 1,040 $87.56 $108.95 $99.76
28 x 42: 1,176 $95.67 $119.86 $109.47
32 x 40: 1,280 $101.88 $128.21 $116.89
30 x 45: 1,350 $106.05 $133.82 $121.89
32 x 48: 1,536 $117.15 $148.75 $135.17
36 x 45: 1,620 $122.17 $155.49 $141.17
36 x 54: 1,944 $141.50 $181.49 $164.30
40 x 50: 2,000 $148.92 $185.30 $168.30
40 x 60: 2,400 $173.60 $217.26 $196.86
44 x 66: 2,904 $204.71 $257.53 $232.85
44 x 72: 3,168 $221.00 $278.62 $251.70
44 x 84: 3,696 $253.58 $320.81 $289.39
44 x 96: 4,224 $286.16 $363.00 $327.09

Size Square inches Hahnemühle William Turner (310gsm) Canson Infinity ARCHES Aquarelle Rag (310gsm)
4 x 6: 24 $27.54 $35.91
5 x 7: 35 $28.48 $36.78
6 x 9: 54 $30.10 $38.30
8 x 10: 80 $32.31 $40.36
8 x 12: 96 $33.50 $41.52
11 x 14: 154 $38.33 $46.07
12 x 18: 216 $43.49 $50.93
16 x 20: 320 $51.56 $58.04
16 x 24: 384 $56.77 $62.85
18 x 24: 432 $60.60 $66.39
20 x 24: 480 $64.50 $69.99
20 x 30: 600 $74.26 $78.98
24 x 30: 720 $84.01 $87.98
24 x 36: 864 $95.71 $98.77
28 x 35: 980 $104.80 $107.30
26 x 40: 1,040 $109.66 $111.79
28 x 42: 1,176 $120.66 $121.97
32 x 40: 1,280 $129.08 $129.74
30 x 45: 1,350 $134.74 $134.98
32 x 48: 1,536 $149.79 $148.89
36 x 45: 1,620 $156.59 $155.18
36 x 54: 1,944 $182.81 $179.41
40 x 50: 2,000 $186.66 $183.60
40 x 60: 2,400 $218.89 $213.52
44 x 66: 2,904 $259.50 $251.22
44 x 72: 3,168 $280.78 $270.97
44 x 84: 3,696 $323.32 $310.46
44 x 96: 4,224 $365.87 $349.96

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