Print Mounting

Gallery Mounts

Made from HDF eco-friendly wood, these mounts create a durable, long-lasting way to preserve and present artwork. Art is mounted on an acid-free 3/8" thick surface and finished with a beveled edge. Various edge color options provide the opportunity to compliment and personalize a gallery-mounted picture.

Our Gallery Mounts are a completely finished product with a coated, black, moisture-resistant finish on the back to ensure art is fully protected and maintains a clean, high-quality appearance from front to back. Artizen Photo Printing takes great pride in manufacturing the highest quality plaques and offering custom sizing and personalization to meet every art need.

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Material & Sizing

  • 100% recycled wood with acid-free barrier
  • 3/8” depth/thickness
  • Overall depth of product is 1-1/8” from front face to wall
  • Standard sizes up 44” x 96”
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Surface Finish

  • Velvet
  • Matte
  • Semi-Matte
  • Satin
  • Scratch resistant
  • Ultra-violet protected
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Hanging System

  • Standard is keyhole with screws
  • Float & Mega is a french cleat
  • Slim, we recommend command strips
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  • Beveled with various colors and patterns
  • Raw edge for a modern framing option

Care: You can simply wipe the surface of the gallery mount with normal glass cleaner and a clean cloth. For grease and heavier debris we recommend using denatured alcohol. Plastic polish can be used to remove hairline scratches from the surfaces as well. Contact us if you would like the names of the cleaners we use. This product is UV protected but as with all fine art we recommend keeping it out of direct sunlight. Our gallery mounts should not be used outdoors.


Standard Gallery Mount Pricing

Size Square inches Standard Moab Luster Standard Moab Matte Standard Moab Metallic Pearl
4 x 6: 24 $51.72 $51.48 $51.97
5 x 7: 35 $63.29 $62.93 $63.65
6 x 9: 54 $64.25 $63.71 $64.81
8 x 10: 80 $70.58 $69.78 $71.41
8 x 12: 96 $80.22 $79.20 $81.42
11 x 14: 154 $90.07 $88.44 $92.00
12 x 18: 216 $108.11 $105.84 $110.83
16 x 20: 320 $131.30 $127.87 $134.07
16 x 24: 384 $181.26 $177.14 $184.59
18 x 24: 432 $183.04 $178.70 $186.93
20 x 24: 480 $213.21 $208.39 $217.53
20 x 30: 600 $218.63 $212.61 $224.04
24 x 30: 720 $251.06 $243.84 $257.55
24 x 36: 864 $286.57 $277.90 $294.35
28 x 35: 980 $336.82 $326.32 $348.14
26 x 40: 1,040 $339.53 $328.39 $351.55
28 x 42: 1,176 $384.68 $372.08 $398.27
32 x 40: 1,280 $389.38 $375.67 $404.18
30 x 45: 1,350 $439.55 $425.09 $455.15
32 x 48: 1,536 $481.96 $465.51 $499.71
36 x 45: 1,620 $567.76 $550.41 $586.48
36 x 54: 1,944 $582.41 $561.59 $604.88
40 x 50: 2,000 $660.90 $641.86 $686.06
40 x 60: 2,400 $678.58 $655.73 $708.77
44 x 66: 2,904 $903.86 $876.21 $940.39
44 x 72: 3,168 $915.53 $885.37 $955.38
44 x 84: 3,696 $1,159.86 $1,124.68 $1,206.36
44 x 96: 4,224 $1,183.20 $1,142.99 $1,236.34

Float Gallery Mount Pricing

Size Square inches Float Moab Luster Float Moab Matte Float Moab Metallic Pearl
4 x 6: 24 $57.72 $57.48 $57.97
5 x 7: 35 $68.29 $67.93 $68.65
6 x 9: 54 $69.25 $68.71 $69.81
8 x 10: 80 $80.58 $79.78 $81.41
8 x 12: 96 $92.22 $91.20 $93.42
11 x 14: 154 $105.07 $103.44 $107.00
12 x 18: 216 $125.11 $122.84 $127.83
16 x 20: 320 $151.30 $147.87 $154.07
16 x 24: 384 $190.26 $186.14 $193.59
18 x 24: 432 $192.04 $187.70 $195.93
20 x 24: 480 $236.21 $231.39 $240.53
20 x 30: 600 $241.63 $235.61 $247.04
24 x 30: 720 $273.06 $265.84 $279.55
24 x 36: 864 $312.57 $303.90 $320.35
28 x 35: 980 $362.82 $352.32 $374.14
26 x 40: 1,040 $368.53 $357.39 $380.55
28 x 42: 1,176 $414.68 $402.08 $428.27
32 x 40: 1,280 $419.38 $405.67 $434.18
30 x 45: 1,350 $473.55 $459.09 $489.15
32 x 48: 1,536 $518.96 $502.51 $536.71
36 x 45: 1,620 $604.76 $587.41 $623.48
36 x 54: 1,944 $619.41 $598.59 $641.88
40 x 50: 2,000 $694.90 $675.86 $720.06
40 x 60: 2,400 $712.58 $689.73 $742.77
44 x 66: 2,904 $938.86 $911.21 $975.39
44 x 72: 3,168 $950.53 $920.37 $990.38
44 x 84: 3,696 $1,192.86 $1,157.68 $1,239.36
44 x 96: 4,224 $1,216.20 $1,175.99 $1,269.34

Mega Gallery Mount Pricing

Size Square inches Mega Moab Luster Mega Moab Matte Mega Moab Metallic Pearl
4 x 6: 24 $62.72 $62.48 $62.97
5 x 7: 35 $83.29 $82.93 $83.65
6 x 9: 54 $84.25 $83.71 $84.81
8 x 10: 80 $92.58 $91.78 $93.41
8 x 12: 96 $108.22 $107.20 $109.42
11 x 14: 154 $127.07 $125.44 $129.00
12 x 18: 216 $156.11 $153.84 $158.83
16 x 20: 320 $188.30 $184.87 $191.07
16 x 24: 384 $216.26 $212.14 $219.59
18 x 24: 432 $218.04 $213.70 $221.93
20 x 24: 480 $294.21 $289.39 $298.53
20 x 30: 600 $299.63 $293.61 $305.04
24 x 30: 720 $338.06 $330.84 $344.55
24 x 36: 864 $386.57 $377.90 $394.35
28 x 35: 980 $451.82 $441.32 $463.14
26 x 40: 1,040 $454.53 $443.39 $466.55
28 x 42: 1,176 $507.68 $495.08 $521.27
32 x 40: 1,280 $512.38 $498.67 $527.18
30 x 45: 1,350 $583.55 $569.09 $599.15
32 x 48: 1,536 $634.96 $618.51 $652.71
36 x 45: 1,620 $740.76 $723.41 $759.48
36 x 54: 1,944 $755.41 $734.59 $777.88
40 x 50: 2,000 $848.90 $829.86 $874.06
40 x 60: 2,400 $866.58 $843.73 $896.77
44 x 66: 2,904 $1,135.86 $1,108.21 $1,172.39
44 x 72: 3,168 $1,147.53 $1,117.37 $1,187.38
44 x 84: 3,696 $1,441.86 $1,406.68 $1,488.36
44 x 96: 4,224 $1,465.20 $1,424.99 $1,518.34

Slim Gallery Mount Pricing

Size Square inches Slim Moab Luster Slim Moab Matte Slim Moab Pearl
4 x 6: 24 $39.72 $39.48 $39.97
5 x 7: 35 $48.29 $47.93 $48.65
6 x 9: 54 $49.25 $48.71 $49.81
8 x 10: 80 $54.58 $53.78 $55.41
8 x 12: 96 $63.22 $62.20 $64.42
11 x 14: 154 $72.07 $70.44 $74.00
12 x 18: 216 $88.11 $85.84 $90.83
16 x 20: 320 $109.30 $105.87 $112.07
16 x 24: 384 $132.26 $128.14 $135.59
18 x 24: 432 $134.04 $129.70 $137.93
20 x 24: 480 $180.21 $175.39 $184.53
20 x 30: 600 $185.63 $179.61 $191.04
24 x 30: 720 $216.06 $208.84 $222.55
24 x 36: 864 $249.57 $240.90 $257.35
28 x 35: 980 $297.82 $287.32 $309.14
26 x 40: 1,040 $300.53 $289.39 $312.55
28 x 42: 1,176 $338.68 $326.08 $352.27
32 x 40: 1,280 $343.38 $329.67 $358.18
30 x 45: 1,350 $391.55 $377.09 $407.15
32 x 48: 1,536 $430.96 $414.51 $448.71
36 x 45: 1,620 $512.76 $495.41 $531.48
36 x 54: 1,944 $527.41 $506.59 $549.88
40 x 50: 2,000 $601.90 $582.86 $627.06
40 x 60: 2,400 $619.58 $596.73 $649.77
44 x 66: 2,904 $841.86 $814.21 $878.39
44 x 72: 3,168 $853.53 $823.37 $893.38
44 x 84: 3,696 $1,094.86 $1,059.68 $1,141.36
44 x 96: 4,224 $1,118.20 $1,077.99 $1,171.34

We print custom sizes and panoramas! Call for a quote.